Sunday Afternoon Outing

On a sunny Sunday afternoon
the family in their black coats
and white shorts power along
the cliff edges, past the headland
on to the harbour enjoying its
blue green waters, circling past
the harbour beaches staring at
the people on the sand, in the water,
and in their cars passing the beaches.

As the family enjoy swimming
and diving in the sheltered harbour
more people come on to the sand.
more cars crawl along the roads.
As the family still in black coats
and white shirts pause to stare
in between diving and splashing
“There are even more of them
now, ” they remark to each other.

“How wonderful to see the orcas
visiting and playing,” say the
people on the Harbour beaches.

Previously posted April 2017.

Sunday Afternoon Outing

Traffic Overhead

Planes and helicopters chatter
sporadically across the sky
all day in criss cross traffic
while our earthbound traffic
flows on below in our
busy daily business.

Booming helicopter rotors circle
our hospital roof along the road
ferrying in the sick and injured
from busy roads and farmlands
urgently rushing some to the
regional hospital down the coast.

Thrumming engines draw my eyes
up to planes soaring into the
clouds, to planes dipping slowly
in little steps down to the airport.

So much action up in the sky
in which I once joined, visiting
other regions, other countries.
Now I stay home recalling my
travels over the years, so much
organisation, time in airports.

How did I do it all ? My
next mode of travel will be
on Scotty’s transporter ……
…… Beam me up Scotty !

Previously posted April 2017


Traffic Overhead

A Night Out

The black and white cat
had a rip in one ear when
he arrived for breakfast this
morning, jumping down from
the back fence after a night
out, seemingly unconcerned
and intent on his meal.

During daytime he relaxes
in sunny patches on spare
beds and couches, or curled
up on a dining chair closely
watching his bowl in the laundry
with a clear view through the
kitchen as Mum cooks dinner.

He used to have a paws up
break in Dad’s office at nights
until he set off the burglar
alarm at 2 am giving Mum and
Dad a nasty fright until they saw
him emerge from his cat
door there – now that feline
access is locked at nights.

So after dark he crosses
the lawn, climbs the back
fence to meet neighbourhood
felines. Let’s hope they are not
rough and ready tonight.

Previously posted April 2017

A Night Out

Picnic In The Park

Under tall spreading trees
Dad places bags to one side
spreads out two rugs. Mum
puts baby brother down with
relief. Turning one in ten days’
time, he’s a large strapping lad.

Round the edges of the rugs
his grandparents and great aunts
seat themselves while his older
sisters cross the path, jump into
the broad shallow pool with all
the other lively children.

Meanwhile baby brother who
cried to Mum he was hungry
all the way from the car is
fed well, then given a rusk.

Now he gnaws at his rusk
and sighs, watches the girls,
wishes he could join the, yelling,
running, splashing, playing with
Dad in the pool’s excitement.

At home he rolls from his back
to his front to his back, then
right across the living room floor.

Now he drops his rusk, rolls off
his bottom on to his knees,
steadies himself leaning forward
on his hands, rocks to and fro
to cheers from his family.

“Won’t be long now ! He’ll soon
be moving along at top speed !”

Previously posted April 2017.

Picnic In The Park

Father And Son

On Christmas Day after
the excitement of presents
Dad lies on the living room floor
on his side, head on hand as
baby brother leans backwards
and forwards rocking to and fro
on his chubby bottom against
Dad’s stomach, absorbed in his
new playskool toy with a
rolling barrel, levers to push.

He thumps on one lever, laughs
at its loud ringing noise, stares
in fascination as the barrel rolls
and rings, thumps the lever again,
murmurs excitedly to himself.

Dad watches as baby brother
plays, grinning broadly at this
intent little fellow, so engrossed
in his fabulous new toy.

Previously posted March 2017

Father And Son


Three year old cousin
sat with his Dad on the
living room couch, both
enthralled by the TV
show “Top Gear”. Wow !!
Cars sped crazily through
treacherous terrain, around
lengthy test tracks with
deafening engine noises in
clouds of dust and smoke.

Back at the studio a
beautiful glorious showpiece
of mechanical genius rolled
slowly on stage, a latest
model, magnificent mighty
……………..  Lamborghini !!

Dad and son stared and
exclaimed at this amazing
apparition on the screen !!

Rushing to his bedroom the
three year old scrabbled
through dozens of tiny cars
carpeting his bedroom floor.

Back in the living room he
joyfully showed his father
a tiny model of that same

made his father proud !


The Doormat

The pristine back porch has
been hosed down along with
the flat’s outer walls. Cobwebs
and bird poo, dust flicked
up by rain  moss spreading up
from the path, all were removed
by the hose’s fierce blast, and
divots of mud and grass from
the teenager’s golf practice
on the back lawn next door.

The back door and its doorstep
and frame are all newly painted
after the hose washed away
many flakes of their paint
along with all other debris.

On this pristine porch floor
with gleaming surface in the
early morning sun, all cleared
of leaves and cobwebs lies
the clean doormat … criss
crossed by shining snail trails.

Previously posted March 2017 

The Doormat


Along the front of my flat
flourishes a little garden
with prolific displays of
leaves and flowers on rose
bushes and a lone hebe.
At their feet alyssum and
lobelia cover bare soil with
their leaves and tiny flowers.

Tall straggling cornflower plants
were removed as they dies off.
Only those that finished  later
were left with their bright
blue flowers still lingering
on by the front door, gradually
dropping petals and seeds to
fill the garden with blue
flowers another day.

In the warm misty morning
rain a goldfinch perches
on withering stems drooping
down to the ground, pecking
out seeds from their faded
dead flower heads.

There go my blue cornflowers !

Previously posted March 2017.



A Low Maintenance Home

Outside on the driveway hosing
murky windows, scrubbing them
with the yard broom I see
a flaw in my little flat chosen
for its low maintenance exterior
for my retirement. I want no
more maintenance and renovation.

Inside all is well papered and
painted. Outside brick walls and
metal window frames meet my
needs for a relaxed old age..

I hose dirt off the front door, the
back door, their steps and frames.
Alas paint flakes flow off also.

My low maintenance home sees
me at the paint shop buying paint,
brush, sandpaper, masking tape,
all for back and front doors.

I would watch out for this
pitfall when I next move house
but I am not moving house
again unless disaster strikes.

Previously posted March 2017


A Low Maintenance Home

February 29

On New Year’s day
Mum brings out this
year’s new calendars.

We both go to school now
we know how calendars work
we look for birthdays on one
calendar. We find Claire’s
birthday in January, Dad’s
and Auntie Maureen’s
birthdays in February.

Our little brother’s birthday
is not there ! He was born on
29 February last year, he will
one on 29 February this year.
We can not find 29 on February
on the new 2017 calendar !

Mum and Dad say no, February
has 29 days every fourth year only.
and will do it next time in 2020.
Chloe is not to write “29” on
February on the kitchen calendar.

“That does not make sense !” insists
Chloe. Later she quietly writes
“29” in bright lime green felt tip
on February on our bedroom
calendar from school.

She also writes “29”
on February in Nana’s
calendar. Nana does
not seem to mind.

Previously posted March 2017.

February 29