A Birthday

A bold black email subject line
“……is turning 70……” !?!

A shock greeting in my inbox.

I had become accustomed, privately
within myself to yet another decade.
But this sudden blaring forth quite
dismantled my equilibrium.
Yet I could not object to such happy
good intentions by energetic younger
relatives planning this celebration.

Turning 20 was exciting
then each successive decade was
an uneasy milestone……30, 40, 50, 60.

Father passed in his nineties.
mother’s unhealthy family genes
lasted into her eighties. I may have
two more decade milestones yet.

Public opinion deems us old by 50.
A clear demarcation sets us apart
half my life will be old age.
Employers ignore us after 50.
Unknown young people object if we
join their conversations. How dare we !

But a bright light light has risen
above the horizon.

After years of paying taxes
I am paid a retirement pension.

I am enjoying my old age
with family and friends.

A Birthday

5 thoughts on “A Birthday

  1. Deb says:

    I think the fear of growing old is forever gnawing at us, no matter how much we try to fight it. Enjoying life and whatever it offers should be our goal no matter what, but even I struggle with it most times. May your birthdays be always happy and filled with happy times with family and friends.

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