Baby Brother

Baby brother is dressed up
to collect his sisters from
school at home time.

Great grandma knitted his bright
striped beanie, cousin Paul grew
out of the dashing dinosaur leggings;
little friend Oliver passed on the
jacket with Barney on it. The
tiny tartan sneakers came from
Sarah over the road, she’s at
kindergarten now, nearly a big girl.

Yes the big girls at school
will gush and coo and gasp
over him – he enjoys it already.

Mummy thinks he looks cool too.
Holding him on her hip she
tickles his ribs with her free hand.
He giggles and wriggles
wiggles and jiggles
chuckles then shrieks
gleefully, joyously
grinning from ear to ear
energetically, excitedly.

It’s a happy day today.

Baby Brother

8 thoughts on “Baby Brother

      1. They are. Only people who look after children really see this, but they are usually too busy to write enough to get published. I see these children once a week and on family occasions so I get to see enough of them to get ideas for poems.

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